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Real Estate Leads for New Agents Toronto Canada

Real Estate Leads for New Agents (Toronto) Canada !

We must know that if the real estate business is a train then lead generation is the fuel that keeps the engine chugging along. The better you are at generating leads, the after your ride to the top. Real estate lead generation is by no means easy, especially in a competitive market as topsy turvy as we have today. But the good news is that there is a number of ways to support your lead generation strategy.

Real Estate Leads for New Agents Toronto Canada

Generally, lead generation is of 2 types that are online and offline. As we know that we are living in the digital age which means that generating online leads will be a cornerstone of your marketing strategy. There is a number of channels and tactics that you can use to get more leads and can tackle all of them.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Just because you have a real estate site does not mean that people will find you easily. After all, your real estate site is one of the millions of real estate sites on the internet. If you want to leads then you have to be the top search result when someone searches on Google real estate agents in Toronto, Canada. This is exactly what SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is designed to do.

Although techniques such as integrating keywords into your website, creating a Google MyBuisness profile and improving your site speed, your real estate business can stand on top and get put maximum of all the clicks. This is one of the great ways to generate leads.

Prime your Real Estate website

In your quest for newfangled methods to generate leads, you should not forget about the basics. Most people start their home search online, so your real estate website is often their first point of contact with you and your business.

Real estate websites should have generation features like property listings, home search, appointment setting capabilities and signup forms. With such as website, more visitors can be converted into clients.

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Bolster your social media presence

As a real estate agent, you are your own brand. As with any other brand these days you need a strong social media presence if you want to stay afloat. You have to make sure that you have social media platforms across multiple platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.

All of these social media platforms give you space to promote yourself and your business. They provide prospects with a concrete reference point where they can get a sense of who you are and what you have to offer. They also help you project legitimacy and add a human touch to your professional persona.

But the value of these platforms extends above and beyond conventional promotion and you touched on the merit of leveraging forums such as LinkedIn groups to reach prospects you potential clients, this also applies to Facebook groups, Twitter threads and Instagram comment sections. You can also use these social media platforms to create yourself as a knowledgeable, consultative, helpful resource for prospects and generate leads.

Host Live Question and Answer Sections

This is one of the best ways to attract leads is to showcase your expertise and one of the best ways to do this is through live question and answer sections. Holding such sessions is very easy and free since most social media platforms have live video capabilities, so you must take this opportunity to answer burning questions that prospective sellers or buyers might have. Everyone who tunes in is a qualified lead that you can convert into your client.

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Master online showings

As real estate professionals like you know, online showings and digital opens houses are no longer nice to have and they are downright essential in this digital era. Not only do they give people a sneak peek of a home but they can also help you reach out-of-town real estate leads. Even better, online platforms such as Agent Image’s ACCESS lets you establish dynamic and branded digital open houses in a few minutes.

Use paid advertising

As a real estate agent, you have likely run your fair share of traditional advertisements. In this digital world, you can not overlook the importance and significance of paid digital marketing. Unlike print advertisements or Television spots, which take a shotgun approach, digital advertisements can be targeted to reach the targeted audience. Since you are showing advertisements only to those who are likely to be your clients, it is the most cost-effective way to generate real estate leads.

Automate your marketing strategies

Starting as a real estate agent means starting a master of real estate marketing. Although, certain tools can automate your lead generation so you can reach out to prospects even if you are busy servicing existing clients. For example, certain real estate services can generate market reports and send them to your prospect list automatically. You should keep these leads warm by constantly offering them valuable information. When they are ready to act on that information then you will be the first agent they will call.

E-mail Campaign

The truth is that is very rare to convert a buyer or seller lead on first contact. More likely than not, you will have to reach out a number of times before lead conversion happens. Industry leaders often do email campaigns to stay in touch with leads and convert them into clients. You can automate the email you send out relying on the action you have taken.

For example, if potential clients inquire about your services but do not follow up then you can send a touch base message or a list of newly added listings to pique their interest. If you do not get any type of response within a particular time frame then you designate these people as cold leads and remove them from your database so you can focus on other prospects.

Offline Real Estate Leads for New Agents Toronto Canada

While digital tactics can help you generate leads but it does not mean that you should neglect offline strategies. After all, real estate is still a high-touch business at its foundation. To get the best results you must employ these offline strategies also.

Tap your network

If you are struggling to find seller or buyer leads then you do not have to do this task alone. After all, a number of real estate agents have an extensive professional network who can point them in the right direction.

If you know a real estate developer who is about to break ground on a new project then you should ask if he can represent the finished homes and if you know a lawyer who handles divorces then ask him if he can help couples sell their property. Your network is a rich source of exclusive leads but only if you want to reach out.

Be a resource person

Serving as a resource person is a great way to put your business or name out there and showcase your local market expertise. Whether it is appearing on local television channels or being interviewed for a newspaper, you can offer available insight into the market that can help you with lead generation. After all, publicity is a basic component of a good marketing strategy.

Reach out to former clients

Lead generation depends heavily on your reputation as a real estate agent. Fortunately, you already have a group of advocates who can vouch for your skills, former clients.

You should not neglect to ask for buyer and seller leads from clients you have already served in the past. If you have offered them top-notch services then they will have no qualms about referring you to their friends and family. To further incentivize them, give rewards such as gift cards for every successful referral.

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A good last impression

Lead generation does not stop once you have landed real estate seller leads. The last impression you leave can dictate whether a client hires you again or give you quality leads. Of course, attentive service and expert advice must come as standards. But you may also want to give a closing gift to further make their good impression of you.

You should go for personalized products as the gifts such as pet collars or customized cutting boards. It is a good gesture that will surely earn you goodwill that you can tap into in the future.

Host housewarming parties

Once a client moves into their new homes, you should volunteer to throw their housewarming party. Not only does it demonstrate that you go beyond to serve your clients but the event can also introduce you to potential homebuyers or sellers. More likely than not, the people attending the housewarming party are in the same stage of life as your client and that puts them squarely in your target audience.

Offer a broker price opinion

Sometimes, people purchase more houses than they can realistically afford. When they begin missing mortgage payments, the lender will request a broker price opinion or BPO, which is a professional estimate of how much a property could sell for if it were foreclosed or liquidated in a short sale.  By lending your expertise to banks or lenders you could call first to sell these types of distressed properties.

Specialize in property type

With a number of agents jockeying for potential clients, lead generation can feel like an uphill battle. But here is the good news you do not have to target the same potential buyers or sellers as everyone else. As you may know that various real estate agents have various niches.

Now is the time to lean into the properties you specialize in so you can highlight your expertise and stand out from the crowd of your business industry. For example, instead of targeting all potential buyers or sellers, you want to target those who are looking for seaside homes or luxury apartments. In case, you become the go-to expert in a given property category then you will never run out of new leads.


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