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Increase your traffic and turn that into revenue

Living in the Internet world is really competitive, 4 out of 5 sales starts from online search. So being visible to audience is need of the hour and SEO helps you in achieving that.


We have been very pleased with the SEO service received from LeftCliQ thus far. We can see a positive move in our page rank. We would recommend LeftCliQ’s SEO services to anyone looking to increase their web exposure.

Marrion Miller

Maputo, Africa

Stand out from your competitors with our proven SEO Techniques

Everyone wants to be on the first page, but not everyone deserves to be there. Your brand and website have to earn that right. Google now use over 200 signals in their algorithm for scoring. Thus, last year they made over 540 quality improvements to their search algorithm alone.

We’ll identify your performance gaps and build an Search Engine Optimization action plan for immediate results and a sustained growth path. We’re an SEO -first team – it’s in our DNA. We believe that 20% of actions drive 80% of results, so we focus on what will move the needle in our SEO services.

SEO is a slow and steady process, if anyone say we can place you on page 1 of Google in 1 or 2 months Just Backoff.

Organic Search (SEO)

Stop selling. Start helping. Utilize SEO to capture early stage awareness queries through relevant content

Link Building Services

Our full-service link building company specializes in custom link building campaigns that earn high-quality links

Paid Search (PPC)

Search engine marketing (SEM, which can include SEO), pay-per-click (PPC), search engine advertising sponsored

SEO Auditing Services

If you haven't recently audited you website, we recommend an SEO audit before you begin a campaign

B2B SEO Services

B2B SEO campaign will include a study of business goals, followed by an evaluation of pre-purchase

Full Service SEO

Based in Americas, Boseo offers full service SEO marketing solutions for companies of all sizes and types

Why SEO is Necessary?

SEO is the technique that helps you compete with your competitors and rank yourself at a certain place in the search for a business by keywords or phrases.

SEO is needed to rank your business organically in the search results. Though we have several other methods too for targeting the audience like social media marketing, social media advertising, and PPC advertising, those are all other ways, when it comes to organically get the traffic then it’s the SEO that comes into action. In the long term, SEO is the one that helps you keep yourself in a reputed place.

When your website starts coming in search results organically then your business starts getting leads on its own without spending additional amounts on the regular advertising techniques.

graphs - Search Engine Optimization

SEO doesn't means stuffing the content with keywords, but to place the keywords so they make any meaning.

Explore SEO Services Plans

We offer no questions asked refund policy for 14 days from the date of start.



per month

  • Up to 70 Keyphrases
  • Up to 30 Pages Optimized
  • 4 Content Posting
  • Dedicated SEO Manager
  • Access to Analytics by LeftCliQ
  • Technical Website Analysis & Opportunity Report
  • Keyword research & selection
  • Analyze Competitors Websites
  • Keyword mapping to target pages
  • Title Tags & Meta descriptions
  • XML sitemap creation & submission
  • Google Business Profile optimization
  • Initial external link analysis and disavow
  • Link redirect audit
  • Internal linking restructuring & optimization
  • Duplicate content analysis
  • Header Tags Optimized
  • Image optimization
  • Schema Implementation
  • Google Analytics setup
  • Google Analytics traffic analysis
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Ongoing monthly traffic, goal & CPL reporting
  • Ongoing user experience reporting
  • Keyword rank checker
  • A/B Testing of SERP
  • Website conversion analysis implementation



per month

  • Up to 150 Keyphrases
  • Up to 50 Pages Optimized
  • 8 Content Posting
  • Dedicated SEO Manager
  • Access to Analytics by LeftCliQ
  • Technical Website Analysis & Opportunity Report
  • Keyword research & selection
  • Analyze Competitors Websites
  • Keyword mapping to target pages
  • Title Tags & Meta descriptions
  • XML sitemap creation & submission
  • Google Business Profile optimization
  • Initial external link analysis and disavow
  • Link redirect audit
  • Internal linking restructuring & optimization
  • Duplicate content analysis
  • Header Tags Optimized
  • Image optimization
  • Schema Implementation
  • Google Analytics setup
  • Google Analytics traffic analysis
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Ongoing monthly traffic, goal & CPL reporting
  • Ongoing user experience reporting
  • Keyword rank checker
  • A/B Testing of SERP
  • Website conversion analysis implementation



per month

  • Up to 300 Keyphrases
  • Up to 80 Pages Optimized
  • 12 Content Posting
  • Dedicated SEO Manager
  • Access to Analytics by LeftCliQ
  • Technical Website Analysis & Opportunity Report
  • Keyword research & selection
  • Analyze Competitors Websites
  • Keyword mapping to target pages
  • Title Tags & Meta descriptions
  • XML sitemap creation & submission
  • Google Business Profile optimization
  • Initial external link analysis and disavow
  • Link redirect audit
  • Internal linking restructuring & optimization
  • Duplicate content analysis
  • Header Tags Optimized
  • Image optimization
  • Schema Implementation
  • Google Analytics setup
  • Google Analytics traffic analysis
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Ongoing monthly traffic, goal & CPL reporting
  • Ongoing user experience reporting
  • Keyword rank checker
  • A/B Testing of SERP
  • Website conversion analysis implementation

Professional SEO For Your Business

Have a question, Not sure where to start?
1 Step 1

Top search Engines which are used by users around the world.

There are a lot of search engines on the internet today, but obviously, not every one of them is important Facebook provide you with a search option as well but very fewer users use Facebook for any query.

People use search engines when they want to find anything, most often they search for the issues they are getting while working on something, or some sort of reviews or products they want to buy. Although there are a lot of other search types as well those are the prominent ones.

I don’t think that there must be any place for google as a search engine. With over 70% market share, Google is the most used search engine all over the world. That’s the only reason most of the agencies uses google as standard and optimize your website for Google only. Being the Big Daddy, Google becomes the synonym of the word “SAERCH”. You must have heard from someone saying hey, “did you google it?” or just “Google It”. In addition to this Google captures almost 85% of the mobile traffic which comes from the Android Phones used all over. With constantly improving algorithms, Google is the first option to choose from for most of the agencies and make it more popular.
Being the competitor of Google, Bing, created by Microsoft rakes in second place and captures 33% of the market. Bing is the default search engine on Microsoft devices and Microsoft Edge as well. Being in the industry from last 10 years. We can say that there are a lot of people in US and Canada which use the default setting of the computer they are using. Bing comes to market by one motive that they will be providing users, the best results rather than the thousands of results given by google. If you search the same phrase on Google and Bing, you will see that where google will show you 10s of thousands of results, Bing just show you hand full of results and those will resolve your query for sure. This becomes the reason people start using Bing just to get the filtered results and get the job done quickly. But google being the big player, spends a lot to browsers so that they set Google as Default search engine. And it is said that almost 95% users uses the same search engines which were set by the browser by default.
China has alternative to everything in the world, because they have legalized the piracy. So no matter what, you will find a copy in China. Baidu is the clone alternate of Google by China. You can’t use Google services like google search, YouTube, Google Maps in China. So they came up with their own. Baidu takes the 75% of the china’s market. If you want to target the Asian market especially China, You can’t miss Baidu. It’s similar to Google and work similar to that. The only different thing is Baidu is in Mandarin.
Being the most used search engine in its days, yahoo just has market share of 3%. There were time when Google CEO went to Yahoo office and ask them to buy Google, but they denied the deal, and come today, Yahoo is a search engine which is powered by Bing. Yes Bing is the one which provide search results to Yahoo. But still it’s used by around 600 million monthly users and has over all 1 Billion active users which uses services by Yahoo most probability Yahoo Mail, Answers and Yahoo Chat.
Like Yahoo is powered by Bing, most of the searches made on is powered by Google. is used by approx. 0.4% of the internet users. Still comes in the list because they have their own Algorithm which gives important to expertise of the business on certain topic rather than being popular one. is based on Question Answer formats
Where all the search engines tracks us and sell our data to third party businesses, like what you search, where you go and much more, which is used to show you Targeted Ads while you search for anything. DuckDuckGo comes into market with different agenda. This search engine is created by a Non-Profit Organization. The Tagline of DuckDuckGo is “The Search Engine which don’t track you”. Means it don’t store what you search, neither track your location or anything, so that you don’t see any targeted ads. This is google for people who are too much curious about their privacy. With around 30 million searches every day DuckDuckGo slowly becoming the choice of users.

Proven track record of delivering digital marketing results

We start with designing your ad campaigns based on competitive keyword research analysis, and then we optimize the campaigns as they run through bid management, A/B testing and other methods. We maintain ongoing campaign management to ensure the success of your ads.

All Sizes Business

Every business and industry requires an approach.

Significant ROI

To generate highly focused leads ready to purchases.

Keep you in the Loop

You make sure you know how campaign is performing.

Awesome Results

We have seen great successes with everyone companies.

Our SEO Process

Here are our 6 steps in the SEO process, which help users to place their businesses in the right place and increase their sales and revenue.

We value your business and our ROCK-IT Process ensures that your business gets the place it deserves.  Discover how our 6 step process improves your online presence, Website ranking, lead generation, and revenue.
RESEARCH: The first step when we start your SEO process is to research your business, we deep dive into your business and understand that well so that we can give you the proper guidance for moving forward. We will be analyzing your competitor’s websites as well and checking their strategies so that we can build our strategies better than theirs and rank the business ahead of your competitor’s business. After all this research we will create a Roadmap to move forward. The things analyzed are:
  • Your website and Server Analysis
  • Your website’s Current state in on-page SEO factors
  • In-depth Competitors Analysis
OPTIMIZE: To be on the best place in your search results, your website needs to clear a lot of tests, your UI to UX matter a lot when comes to SEO. With our in house dedicated web development team, we will improve your website’s UI and UX. Till will make Google and other Search Engines to read and understand your website better. We will also check the loading speed of your website and fix the things which are not good so that your website loads faster than your competitor’s ones.

Businesses are losing their potential clients when their website are not loading within 3 to 5 seconds.

CONTENT: You have 2 users one is search engines and other is your clients. They both go Hand-in-hand. If your website has traffic, search engines place you first in the search results and vice-versa. Your website generates the traffic if its content has potential to engage the users and force them to spend time on the website. We will provide you the type of content you need for your website. Do keep in mind that professional content is not needed always. A kid’s website doesn’t need professional content. We will provide you the content which is best for your website both in shape of Blog posts, long form articles and General pages content.

Content is the King & Engaging Content replaces that.

KEYWORDS: As per your audience research and business type, we will research about the keywords and phrases which can be used to target our audience and how much competition is there for those keywords. We will give you list of all the researched keywords with our stand on them and then you can finalize which keywords you want to focus.
IN-BOUND LINKS: Inbound links are the links from there other promising and High Authority websites or directories in your business niche. Those websites link back to your website from the content related to your business. That will increase your website Authority in return and increase traffic as well. If needed or included in your plan we can use the inbound links strategy as well.
TESTING: After implementing everything we will be testing how all these above-mentioned techniques work in combination will. We can only pass the test when
  • We see the relevant traffic coming to the website
  • When we see the bounce rate going down
  • When we start seeing the increase in user session time
If needed we will change the strategy and implement the things which are found missing in the test results.

Take Your Website to Next Level Right Now!

Make the Right Choice for Your Future. Choose LeftCliQ!