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Business Growth Hacker in Ontario Canada (Best)

As a business growth hacker, we use creative, low-cost strategies to help businesses acquire and retain customers. Sometimes we are also known as growth marketers involved in a product or service, including product engineers and managers.

As the best business growth hackers in Ontario, Canada we tend to be obsessive, curious and analytical-

  • We focus solely on strategies that are related to growing your business.
  • We hypothesize, prioritize and test our innovative strategies.
  • We analyze and test to see what is working.

Business Growth Hacker in Ontario Canada

As ideal growth hackers, we know how to set growth priorities, identify channels for customer acquisition, measure success and scale growth.

How we work as growth hackers

For every business, it is about figuring out why you grow and looking for a number of ways to make that happen on purpose. A number of startups use it as a recipe for growth and these activation, referral, acquisition, retention and revenue. We include raising awareness and a major part of growth hacking. Either way, the critical point is to get visitors and traffic, convert visitors into users and retain those users as happy and loyal customers.

Our major pillars to business growth hacking-

  • Evaluate current marketing initiatives- We perform a full audit that determines your best sources of leads, page views and traffic. Then we figure out which channels are working best for your business.
  • Set goals- We determine where you would like to improve these numbers and begin to think about how you can do so.
  • Plan experiments to test our hypothesis- Then we come up with two, three, four or twelve ways of testing out theories and how and then we know how we can reach your business goals.
  • We experiment until our results are statistically significant- We continue optimizing until your business reaches your goals.
  • Document our winning results and share them with your team- Growth hacking is all about improving what we already have. We come up with game-changing tactics and spread them to the world.

Our primary task-

There are no data-obsessed growth hackers in the days of madmen. We work differently for every business. Whatever your business model is, it is our job to identify the aligns that are close to growth and then we figure out what actions to take that all cause that number to rapidly get bigger. Our main objective is to rapidly grow your business by improving it, whether that is conversions, engagement or something else. And to do so, we have to carry out certain actions and it will make it tick upward. To learn what growth hackers work, we hackers need to first identify opportunities by making a testing hypothesis, to see if they move the needle.

Our four phases of business growth hacking-

It is all about the process when it comes to growth hacking and it is pointless to being investigations without ways or to use methods without a business goal. We will go through the stages of this method to achieve faster and more cost-effective results-

Phase I- Product Market Fit

The main focus of all businesses, startups and of course growth hacking can produce products that consumers want to use. So, our first stem includes the culmination of product and market just as the title suggests. It refers to building products that meet the consumers’ needs and satisfy their desires and requirements. To be successful, we make certain that our first step is carried out correctly. Your business product will fail if you target the wrong market and audience. This is our very first step and it demands an understanding of individuals, their requirements and goals, motivations and buying journeys, aiming other things. Only then it will be feasible to make things that they want to need.

Phase II- Growth Hacks

This is our second step when our team starts to generate theories, experiments start to take shape and the first users arrive. Moreover, the aim is to figure out which adjustments will result in more fastly and cost-effective results. To do this, we must examine the product to identify flaws and opportunities that are based on their expertise and judgment. We sought to increase user acquisition to offer a platform with reliable replies.

Phase III- Scale and Dissemination

Growth hacking is a process that is focused on utilizing the least amount of resources possible. As a result, the best way to go about it is to enlist the help of our customers to spread the word about your business and also to reward them. This is possibly the toughest stage. However, not every solution will go viral. Although, word of mouth will always be an effective method for success. Some of the best examples related to this third phase include Hotmail and Candy Crush. The former went viral on Facebook and boosted user acquisition when it stated that players would obtain more lives if they invite more people or groups to join in. This resulted, in the number of users, surging and reaching millions. Eventually, when your business user base grows then you have a deeper understanding of your audience. When we talk about scalability, we are talking about process automation and it is impossible to measure a manual way.

Phase IV- Retention and Optimization

At this phase, we optimize the approach to improve usability and meet the requirements of users. However, the final goals are to consolidate the customer base by retailing customers we have acquired. Once this goal is achieved then our strategy would be considered a success and it becomes a process. You keep in mind that data analysis, testing and feedback play an important role when it comes to growth hacking. We track and manage your business metrics. Furthermore, our procedure necessities continual improvement and needs to optimize the idea on a regular basis to consistently improve the user experience.

Our strategies that are associated with growth hacking

Some effective strategies that are associated with growth hacking must see whether they fit your business’s needs.

  • Content marketing- It is one of the most effective growth hacking strategies especially when it comes to driving traffic to your business. You will receive more traffic in an organic and scalable way if you have an online business site with relevant posts. We avoid restricting your online marketing services to just blogging. We also have other elective tactics to generate traffic to your business website. To start, we use SEO to improve your publication and your blog will expand faster. Furthermore, we start with optimizing posts that have shown to be successful in the past and have the propensity to grow your business tremendously.
  • Referral marketing- The aim of referral marketing is to turn your consumers into brand ambassadors. The system works like this, a user nominated a client and is rewarded and earns benefits by doing so. Referral marketing is one of the powerful growth and marketing strategies that aid businesses in getting huge success. Some of the leading companies that adopted this method such as Paypal, Uner and DropBox, etc. In this way, marketing encourages word-of-mouth distribution, which is impotent for cutting client acquisition costs, leveraging the user base and accelerating the business’s marketing growth. The terms, Referral marketing and Loyalty marketing are used interchangeably. Ultimately, satisfied customers are more likely to recommend your products or services to their families and friends. We mix this strategy with loyalty schemes.
  • Testing consistently- When we are exploring and experimenting with new strategies, then testing comes along its way. We do not ignore this fact and have to make sure to be consistent to obtain better results. The most frequent are A/B Tests, which involve creating two identical copies of a place of content, a landing page or an email marketing message with only one variation. Ultimately, the primary aim is to see which one generates the more effective results. To do so, we decide which factor you want to examine and what results you want to get for your business. This test has revealed that the title does not work for what you want if your business aim is to convert your visitors, into customers. As business growth hackers, we always focused on objectives.
  • Scarcity Principle- This is one of the most famous psychological triggers utilized in growth hacking. This process used human psychology to make customers believe that they could be left out from the other end of consumers. It will lead to immediate purchases. This theory is founded on the idea that unusual things are more valuable. We understand that no one wants to be left out, so once customers are aware of the limited chance, they get engaged and want to participate. We also take advantage of scarcity by marketing limited-edition products or special offers. It showcased that available for a limited quantity and period. It is important to test and confirm the effects of these processes on our outcomes.

Services that we offer-

As business growth hackers, we are obsessed with ROI, Targeted Acquisition and building a brand and retention. We are the team behind the early and continued success of a number of startups, established brands and corporations across Canada.

  • SEO- There is nothing like ranking for relevant keywords on the first page of an online website. We have the tools, methods, and an experienced team to take you there.
  • Meta Advertisements- Like it or not, social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram are the go-to platforms for most B2C services or products. With billions of active users,, you can achieve some serious business sales.
  • WordPress Development- If you are in search of a marketing-first website that ranks well, loads fast, converts better and looks modern then you must contact us and let us grow your business with us.
  • Google advertisements- Hight intent leads to a high conversion rate and that is exactly what Google advertisements are all about. We target the right keywords and your business reaches the right audience.


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