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Website Redesign Services

Our graphic designers bring outstanding experience to the table. Every element, space, and call-to-action is strategically placed for maximum impact – and to inspire users to convert.

Every website redesign we bring knowledge of user behavior, habits, and expectations – and we do it right the first time. Better performance and the creation of aesthetic design elements chosen specifically to engage the right audience result from our strategic approach, creative abilities, and insight.

Our Website Design Services

As a digital agency, we provide complete web design and development solutions. Work with our experts to create a unique website that generates measurable results for your company.

If you’re looking for a website design company to help you grow your brand online and establish a distinct digital presence in this vibrant and inventive environment, look no further than Digital Silk’s award-winning designers. With an extensive portfolio that includes B2C, B2B, and eCommerce web designs, our strategic approach enables us to improve your search engine ranking, increase traffic and conversion, and strengthen your brand’s reputation as an industry leader.

Use our custom web design services to establish and expand your online presence and beyond. Research, strategy, and planning, as well as custom design, development, and quality assurance, are all part of our design deliverables.

We'll optimize your website for search engines for optimal visibility, in addition to custom website elements like branded animations and a carefully mapped conversion funnel, to help you reach and engage your target market.

Our web designers work with all leading platforms and technologies to engineer custom redesigns, whether you want to transition to a new platform or keep your current CMS but reimage your digital presence.

We'll develop a customized strategy for your redesign before planning and building a custom website that boosts your visibility, engagement, and conversion rate.

Work with Digital Silk's expert designers, developers, and strategists to create a website that generates measurable results for your brand.

Our designers work with all leading eCommerce platforms to create e-stores that convert, whether you're a startup with a few products or a budding fashion brand with thousands of clothing items.

We'll collaborate with your chosen CMS, whether Adobe Commerce (Magento), Shopify, WooCommerce, or another platform, to create a custom digital store for your brand that's optimized for search engines, engagement, and conversion.

Looking for potential partners from across the country or around the world? Work with our award-winning designers to create a unique B2B website that will serve as an effective lead generation tool.

Our website designers, developers, and strategists work with brands of all sizes and industries.

We'll help you build and grow a professional digital presence that helps you build trust and nurture leads, from research and planning to custom UX, UI, and search engine optimization.

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Our Global Clients

We partner with businesses of all sizes and across a wide range of industries to grow brands online.

Grow Your Revenue With Website Redesign Services

Our team covers all the bases, from creating stunning graphics to creating site architecture that works like magic, all with the goal of inspiring, interesing, engaging, and converting your target audience.

Get a Fresh Start

If your website is not performing well or bringing in new customers, it is time for a complete redesign. Our knowledge goes above and beyond the ordinary, and we work strategically in both design and development to achieve a unified performance. Every detail is designed to elicit a response from your target audience.


When redesigning an existing site, we use the science of human online behaviors to ensure that the site performs well. For maximum user response, we focus and streamline your messaging. The faster your site loads, the easier it is to navigate, and the clear calls to action that compel the user to take the next step, the better it is for your business. We understand what it takes to connect with your target audience.

It's Important to Have Trust

Increase your brand’s credibility and inspire user trust. The importance of trust is greater than ever. Users are curious about who you are. Every aspect of your new site’s design, navigation, and performance should inspire trust and compel visitors to convert. You’ll win the game if you make the experience enjoyable. We have the goods; let us assist you.

Branding that's Consistent

Our redesigned sites are meticulously planned to support and enhance your brand by ensuring that every aspect of your new site matches and enhances your other sales collateral. Half of the battle is getting people to recognize your brand. We assist you in winning.

Trusted by global companies.

Learn what it's like to have our team on your side by hearing from clients who have used LeftCliQ for website redesign services, social media services, and other digital marketing services.

How Do We Improve the Branding of Your Website?

Designing a user-friendly website necessitates rethinking the site’s structure and navigation. We must, for example, ensure that the text wraps around the images while avoiding distracting colors and typography. Furthermore, our team must put themselves in the shoes of your users to determine whether they can find the information they seek on your website.
In our experience, the visual aspects of a website’s branding play an important role in shaping a brand’s image; most importantly, your website should be visually appealing. Using active visual elements such as logos and themes in strategic locations allows visitors to your website to quickly identify your brand. We must also find, test, and decide on textual elements for your site that are consistent with the brand’s voice and tone of voice. This will ensure that visitors associate your website with your brand, which is critical if you also have a physical presence.

A logo is an essential component of a website’s branding. We frequently begin by closely examining a logo to see if it fits with your vision for the redesigned website. A good logo is essential for establishing a brand. If the current logo is inadequate, it will need to be redesigned as a first step. The same color scheme (as in the logo) is then used for the rest of the site, with fonts and colors that complement the overall design of the website.

Finally, we must ensure that the logo is consistent with the brand’s values and positioning before placing it prominently on the homepage.

Fonts Play an Important Role in Branding

Fonts are another important aspect of website branding. Using multiple fonts on a single page can distract from and detract from the branding of the site. We limit the number of fonts on your website to two or three to avoid this. We also avoid using contrasting or overlapping typefaces in excess. We do, however, use fonts of varying sizes and weights to draw readers’ attention to specific parts of the website.
A professionally redesigned website will assist a business in increasing its value and gaining new customers. We ensure a consistent tone by making effective use of colors. For example, we could use blue instead of orange because it is more appealing. Dark blue and pink are more likely to catch the attention of a visitor. Color palettes on a website should, in general, match the colors of the company’s logo.
In terms of content, using relevant keywords and phrases is an important part of building a brand. While it is critical to use the right keywords on a webpage, overusing them may make it appear spammy. Instead, we use white space to give the content some breathing room. The effective use of white space assists your visitors in concentrating.

The Most Common Website Redesign Mistakes

Many business owners contact us because their newly redesigned website isn’t performing as well as their previous website. While there may be several reasons for this, it is frequently due to the web design company’s lack of forethought in the redesign.
If you're having your website redesigned or want to see if the company you hired did a good job, here are a few common mistakes to avoid:

Too Complicated

Making a website too complex is one of the most common mistakes when redesigning it. It's critical that your home page isn't too cluttered, or your visitors will leave without reading it. The navigation bar should be straightforward and divided into categories. If at all possible, keep your website's design as simple as possible. That is one of the reasons why our redesigns strive to keep things as simple as possible without making the website appear bland.

Not fully Understanding your Objectives

When planning to have your website redesigned, it is critical to establish clear goals for the final design. Setting goals not only makes the design company's job easier, but you also know how to measure the success of the recently redesigned website. Sure, you'll want your new website to look nice, but that shouldn't come at the expense of performance and conversions.

Having too many objectives

If you have a long list of objectives, it will be difficult for the redesigned website to focus on the most important ones. To ensure a successful redesign, you must have a few primary goals in mind, such as conversions and visitor retention.

Far too much content.

A cluttered and crowded website may result in a higher bounce rate. Keeping the layout simple and the design limited will help your visitors find what they're looking for quickly. If you have a 2000-word web page, divide it into easily digestible sections. Use graphics and charts to help visitors understand and remember the content.

Heavy Website

A site that is slow to load and difficult to navigate not only loses prospective customers, but it is also poor SEO practice. Keeping your site's design simple means that search engines like Google will appreciate it.

Choosing an Inexperienced company

As you may have guessed, website redesigns can be far more difficult than designing a website from scratch. Several factors must be considered, which a typical low-cost web design firm cannot handle. That is why it is critical to hire a company like Truenorth to oversee the redesign and ensure that it (the resulting website) meets all of the required metrics that are important to your business.

Be one step ahead

Digital Case Studies

We deliver measurable, local and scalable results for brands across industries.

Average decrease in Bounce Rate
Average Increase in Organic Traffic
Average Increase in Loading Speed
Average growth in Sales
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Years of


Start from Scratch over Re-Design

Your website is extremely slow

If your customers complain that your website is too slow, it is time to consider a redesign. Though website speed can be improved by compressing items such as images, the results aren't always dramatic. If the website is slow, it is due to a fundamental flaw in the design. As a business owner, you'll want to get a new website design that is both SEO-friendly and loads in less than 2 seconds.

There are numerous technical issues

Websites may experience technical difficulties that can be resolved. However, if your team spends far more time fixing technical issues on the website than it does improving it, it is time to consider getting a custom website designed for your company. As a growing company, the platform must be scalable. If the original design was not intended to be scalable, the only way to reverse that decision is to create a new website.

Making minor adjustments is difficult

It should not be necessary to hire a programmer to make a few minor changes or correct errors. To make the desired changes, you should have a team or an individual who is familiar with a content management system. If your website isn't integrated with a content management system like WordPress, you should consider getting a WordPress website.
